Curriculum vitae


Noriyuki KOJIMA


Noriyuki KOJIMA


June 29, 1981


Val Laboratory Corporation
Development department
2-3-17 Kouenji-kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-8565, Japan


Developed and Maintained a transfer guidance system for public transportation.

Introduced and operated mission-critical system.
Constructed and operated a virtual environment using VMware.
Management of internal enterprise network.

Designed, developed, and operated a data maintenance system for transfer guidance system for public transportation.
Developed a travel expense adjustment system.

Maintained a travel expense adjustment system.
Developed a database system to manage sales activities and financial accounting.
Developed a transfer guidance system for public transportation.


  • Relationship between the species composition of forest vegetation and environmental factors
  • Plant species diversity in plantation ecosystem
  • Habitat of rare species (Orchidaceae, disjunct distribution species)
  • Creation of distribution map of rare species using natural language processing
  • Spatial distribution of alien species


Refereed papers

N. Kojima (2015) Distribution of Chinese Hwamei Garrulax canorus in Southern Areas of Yokohama city. Natural History Report of Kanagawa, 36: 69-72 (in Japanese). [DOI]

N. Kojima (2014) Habitat characteristics of rare plant Cephalanthera longibracteata Blume (Orchidaceae): a case study of Japanese Stone Oak (Lithocarpus edulis (Makino) Nakai) plantation in Kurihama, Yokosuka, central Japan. Natural History Report of Kanagawa, 35: 1-6 (in Japanese). [DOI]

N. Kojima (2012) Species composition and site conditions in the habitats of Epipogium roseum (Orchidaceae) in Mt. Ohgusu, Miura Peninsula, central Japan. Natural History Report of Kanagawa, 33: 11-18 (in Japanese with English summary). [DOI]

N. Kojima (2011) Comparison of species composition, species diversity, and stand structure between the Lithocarpus edulis plantation and the Castanopsis sieboldii forest in the Miura Peninsula, central Japan. Natural History Report of Kanagawa, 32: 33-38 (in Japanese with English summary). [DOI]

N. Kojima & K. Fujiwara (2008) Altitudinal zonation of forest vegetation and its causal factors in To-shima Island, Izu Islands, Japan. Vegetation Science, 25(2): 121-129 (in Japanese with English summary). [DOI]

Non refereed papers & reports

N. Kojima (2007) Controlling factors for altitudinal zonation of forest vegetation in Izu Islands. Master thesis, Yokohama National University. 67pp (in Japanese).

N. Kojima, S. Kawase & A. Nakajima (2006b) Environmental conditions of the Castanopsis sieboldii forest in the Enkai-zan area, eastern Kanagawa. Yokohama Nature Sanctuary Research Report, 11: 3-7 (in Japanese; title translated by Kojima).

K. Fujiwara, D. Hayasaka, M. Ozaki, D. Miyauchi, D. Abdraye, M. Hanazawa, N. Kojima & E. Urata (2006a) Phytosociological study of the environmental conservation forest in the En-na mountain pass -Second report-. Kanagawa Phytosociological Society. 106pp (in Japanese; title translated by Kojima).

N. Kojima, M. Andou, A. Nakajima & J. Sakai (2005) Phytosociological study in the Yokohama Nature Sanctuary -classification and ordination by Detrended Correspondence Analysis of vegetation-. Yokohama Nature Sanctuary Research Report, 10: 3-8 (in Japanese; title translated by Kojima).


Poster sessions

N. Kojima & K. Fujiwara (2007) Changes in species composition, structure and species diversity along altitudinal gradient on the windward face in To-shima Island. 54th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, Matsuyama. [abstract] [pdf]

N. Kojima & K. Fujiwara (2006) Causal factors of difference in altitudinal zonation between east and west slope in To-shima Island, Izu Islands, Japan. 11th The Society of Vegetation Science Conference, Matsumoto. [pdf]

Oral sessions



N. Kojima (2013) Reminder system in public transport. Japanese Patent No. 5246696 (P5246696). [URL]


The Society of Vegetation Science [2006-]

The Ecological Society of Japan [2007-]

The Ornithological Society of Japan [2014-]


Operating Systems

  • Windows (2k,XP,Vista,7,8,10,11)
  • Windows Server (2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2016, 2019)
  • Linux (RedHat Based, Ubuntu)
  • FreeBSD

Programming Languages

  • Java
  • C#
  • Shell Script (Bash)
  • Power Shell
  • C/C++
  • Ruby
  • Javascript
  • Visual Basic for Applications (Excel VBA)
  • PowerScript (PowerBuilder)


  • MySQL (5.x, 8.0)
  • Oracle (10g, 11g, 12c, 19c)
  • Microsoft Access
  • SQLite3
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bigtable (Google App Engine)

Other software

  • Docker
  • VMware
  • bind
  • qmail
  • R (GNU R)

Field research methods

  • Vegetation
    • Braun-Blanquet approach
    • Tree census method
    • Compass surveying
  • Bird
    • Line census method


  • Systems Administrator [AD] (2007)
  • Fundamental Information Technology Engineer [FE] (2008)
  • Applied Information Technology Engineer [AP] (2015)
  • 2nd grade Certified Skilled Worker of Web Design (2018)
  • 3rd grade Certified Specialist of Intellectual Property Management(administration) (2019)
  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner [CLF] (2019)
  • Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer [Oracle Certified Java Programmer, Silver SE 7] (2019)
  • ITIL(v4) Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management (2021)
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate [SAA] (2021)